Friday, May 4, 2012

Ruff day

It's Not You...

Wind Power without the Blades

Candle Melts Into Chocolate Sauce

Nag on the Lake: Candle Melts Into Delicious Chocolate Sauce: Make "fondant au chocolat" the easy way. The chocolate candle melts into a sauce that fills the cake. Designed by Stéphane Bureaux. Link...

Pastor Tells Congregation to Punch Their Gay Sons

Don't Eat Before This Russian Ride

Tsunami Survivor Reunites with his Harley

CPR for Dogs

Lester's Fixins - new flavors in soda-pop

2012 & The End Of The World

Slaid Cleaves: One Good Year

ダシ巻き玉子焼 Japanese Omelette

Bacon on the side, Please

How to inflate dog

a Boy and his Chick

YeeHaw - it's Friday!